Alright folks, let's dive headfirst into the fascinating world of how movies find their way to your local cinema! This whirlwind journey kicks off with studios creating a film and then selling distribution rights to companies in various regions globally. The distributors then, my friends, become responsible for getting these cinematic masterpieces to cinemas. They make digital copies of the film and send them over via hard drives or satellite feeds. And just like that, voila, the latest blockbuster lands at your local movie theater, ready for you to munch popcorn and enjoy!
IMDB uses a weighted average system to rate movies, which means not all votes have the same impact. A key factor influencing this is the reliability and consistency of the voter. Additionally, the demographics also play a big role, with votes from regular voters being given more weightage. It's also vital to note that IMDb does not consider professional critic reviews in its rating, focusing solely on viewer ratings.
In trying to categorize documentaries, it's clear they can fit into both movie and TV show classifications. A documentary can be a standalone film, screened in cinemas or distributed online, which would group it with movies. However, many are serialized and aired on television or streaming platforms, making them similar to TV shows. Ultimately, the distinction depends on the length, format, and distribution method of the documentary. Hence, it's safe to say, documentaries can be either movies or TV shows.
In one of my recent deep dives into the world of entertainment history, I stumbled upon a curious question: Did Charlie Chaplin really do the moonwalk? Now, we all know Michael Jackson made the moonwalk famous, but it seems Chaplin performed a similar move in his 1921 silent film "The Kid". However, it's important to note that while the movements are similar, they're not quite the same and Chaplin's version lacked the smooth, sliding motion we associate with the moonwalk. So, in conclusion, Chaplin may have been a precursor, but he didn't exactly do the moonwalk as we know it today.